Stranger Things Illustrated Map
Stranger Things Map Illustration. I'm a big fan of the Netflix TV show "Stranger Things". I reckon I've watched both season 1 and season 2 of Stranger things at least 6 times each. I love this show! I just love the whole 80s horror theme and I think the story is so...

Christmas Card Illustrations 2017
At the end of 2017 my Pink Punch art collective colleague told me about Victoria Johnson's "Create Christmas" class. I immediately signed onto the class because I have always lacked Christmas illustrations in my portfolio and a lot of time I have no idea where to...

Fettes College House Brochure Illustrations
Fettes College Iona House Brochure Illustrations. If you haven't been to Edinburgh, or Scotland for that matter, you probably haven't heard of Fettes College. Fettes College is one of the poshest private schools in Edinburgh, has a notable alumni and looks so amazing...

Melbourne Food and Wine Festival Snapchat Stickers
Melbourne Food and Wine Festival Snapchat Stickers. So i've been working with Snapchat since mid September 2016 and after creating 70 stickers/geo-filters for Snapchat's French speaking audience, which you can see here, I was then tasked with creating 111...

Babs Glasgow Childrens Menu
The food! 'BABS restaurant in Glasgow has been one of my dream restaurants to try. If you're local you may have heard of Bread Meats Bread and if you have, you'll be delighted to know BABS is run by the same people and the food is equally as good. You may remember my...

Kawaii Sushi Patterns
Kawaii Sushi Patterns. I created this series of cute and yummy "Kawaii Sushi Patterns" for joining "Spoonflower's" pattern design contest. This is the first time I join this kind of competition however I've heard a lot of good things about "Spoonflower" and I've...

Snapchat Geofilters
Snapchat Geofilters. About a month ago I was headhunted by "Snapchat" (Snap Inc.) through a popular creative sharing website Behance. I've been using Behance for a few years and it's a really great way of getting your work out there and low and behold Snapchat sent me...

Russian Berries Mules Illustration
Russian Berries Mules Illustration. After I created the "Cuban Peach Mojito" illustration I decided to illustrate more "cocktail + culture" illustrations. So this "Russian Berries Mules" illustration is part of the series. I combined Russian folk dance and dancers...
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