Before we get into anything. Happy New Year! I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year and have been keeping well during these ever strange times.
Since my last post at the beginning of December for my Italy Map, my business has gone absolutely crazy. This December I sold absolutely tonnes of products, ranging from posters and postcards to literally dozens and dozens of jigsaw puzzles. December was a little quiet on the commission side of things but crazy on the product side. I still managed to create a new map, this time of India, and I replaced a number of my postcards with home printed products. Before I had been using a printer in Taiwan but I decided the quality wasn’t up to par so I changed.
But this post is all about postage. I get lots of messages and emails about the postage prices for my products and on the plus side, my prices are very accurate. I won’t bore you with technical things but I basically have code on my website that feeds prices directly from Royal Mail so the price you see on my website is what I pay Royal Mail to post things.
Now the unfortunate thing, post, whatever way you try to do it, is expensive. I research prices with various couriers; FedEx, UPS, etc, but Royal Mail had consistently the best prices.